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Site search


  1. Research completed
  2. Draft
  3. Pendingnot completed
  4. Required not completed


This standard has been drafted and is being shared with federal agencies and other stakeholders for feedback and iteration.


Public-facing websites must contain a search function that allows users to easily search content intended for public use.


Search is a basic and universal part of using the internet, and search functionality is an expected feature for websites and digital services.

Applies to

Executive branch agency websites and digital services that are intended for use by the public

Acceptance criteria

  • Every website must include a search function.
  • The search function must be available from the upper right corner of the page on a desktop view.
  • The search function must be in the same place on every page of your site.

How to implement

These are tips to help you implement this standard.

Read more


If you have feedback to share, let us know at or join a discussion on GitHub about site search.

Last updated