External link
- Research
- Draftnot completed
- Pendingnot completed
- Requirednot completed
This standard is being researched with the public, federal agencies, and other stakeholders.
Identify links to external sites clearly and consistently.
Informing users when a link will take them to a different site helps them decide whether or not to click that link.
Research questions
We’re researching this potential standard. Research questions include:
- Would consistent labeling of external links on federal government sites be valuable for users?
- How should an external link be defined? How do users define it? Should it be any link that takes users off the current site, or any link that takes users off a .gov site?
- Do users notice and understand the external link icon?
- How do users interpret textual indicators that a link will take them away from the current site (e.g., Get started with Search.gov, How to write meta descriptions [Google.com])?
- Should this standard include guidance on when a link should open in a new window?
Read more
- USWDS research on external link indicators (GitHub.com)
- Links to new windows, pop-ups, other frames, or external web sites (WebAim.org)
- External links (Moz.com)
- Australian government style manual: don’t use exit modals (stylemanual.gov.au)
- Gov.UK design system: external links (Gov.UK)
If you have feedback to share, let us know at website.standards@gsa.gov or join a discussion on GitHub about external link.