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Content timeliness indicator


  1. Research
  2. Draftnot completed
  3. Pendingnot completed
  4. Requirednot completed


This standard is being researched with the public, federal agencies, and other stakeholders.


Inform users about the timeliness of content by including the date of publication, a last updated date, or a last reviewed date as relevant for your content and audience.


Timeliness indicators can increase user trust in the currency and accuracy of information.

Research questions

We’re researching this potential standard. Research questions include:

  • Do users have preferences for the language used (published, updated, or reviewed)?
  • Should the language be standardized by type of content?
  • Do users have preferences on the length of time between updates for certain types of content?
  • How do users respond to multiple dates (e.g., published and updated)?

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Last updated