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Federal government banner


  1. Research completed
  2. Draft completed
  3. Pending
  4. Required not completed


This standard will be pending for one year. Agencies will be required to comply with this standard on September 26, 2025.


Use the federal government banner at the top of every page to identify your site as an official federal government site.


The banner identifies official websites of federal government organizations in the United States. The banner helps people understand that the website is official and secure. The banner is one of the most recognizable design elements on federal websites.

Applies to

Executive branch agency websites and digital services that are intended for use by the public and on .gov or .mil domains

Acceptance criteria

These conditions must be met to comply with this standard.

  • The federal government banner must be at the top of every page of your site.
  • The banner must appear on a line by itself.
  • The banner implementation must include the following elements as specified by the U.S. Web Design System (USWDS) banner component:
    • U.S. flag image
    • Text that identifies an official U.S. government site
    • Drop-down with:
      • Text that identifies an official .gov or .mil domain
      • Text that describes HTTPS connections

Agencies are encouraged to use the USWDS banner component to meet this standard. If you’re using another design system, you still need to meet these criteria.

How to implement

These are tips to help you implement this standard.


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