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Deliver consistent, digital-first experiences for the public

View the federal website standards

Most people interact with the federal government online. Websites, apps, and online services offered by federal agencies should be easy to use and effective. We’re developing federal website standards to help agencies provide high-quality, consistent digital experiences for everyone.

Federal agencies are required to comply with website standards per the 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA). Standards will align with the 21st Century IDEA, OMB’s memo on Delivering a Digital-First Public Experience (M-23-22), and other relevant policy requirements and best practices.

Actions for federal agencies to take

  • Review the standards.
  • Consider how the standards apply to your websites and digital services that are intended for use by the public.
  • Plan to evaluate your compliance with the three pending standards. Pending standards are finalized. They will be required after a specified time period following their move to the pending status. Federal agencies can begin working to comply with pending standards.

Standards will be released incrementally

The standards are developed through a rigorous and iterative process involving federal agencies, the public, and other stakeholders. We'll continue to post information about standards as they're being developed. We'll also improve this website based on your feedback.